Window menu commands
The Window menu offers the following commands, which allows you to arrange multiple views of multiple documents in the application window:

NextSwitches to the next document window.
PreviousSwitches to the previous document window.
Last VisitedSwitches to the last visited document window.
Arrange > CascadeArranges windows in an overlapped fashion.
Arrange > Tile HorizontallyArranges windows as non-overlapping tiles horizontally.
Arrange > Tile VerticallyArranges windows as non-overlapping tiles vertically.
Arrange > Arrange IconsArranges icons at the bottom of the window.
Arrange > Minimize AllMinimizes all document windows.
Arrange > Restore AllRestores all minimized document windows.
Splitter > SplitSplits the active window into panes.
Splitter > Next PaneSwitches to the next window pane.
Splitter > Previous PaneSwitches to the previous window pane.
Others > Always on TopMakes the EditPlus window stay on top.
Others > Minimize as Tray IconMinimizes as tray icon instead of taskbar button.
Others > TransparentMakes the EditPlus window transparent.
Others > Save Window WidthSaves current window width.
Others > StretchStretches current window vertically.
Others > Scroll SyncEnables synchronized scroll.
Others > Next Document RowGoes to next row in the Document Tabs.
Others > Prev Document RowGoes to previous row in the Document Tabs.
Close AllCloses all document windows.
Window 1, 2, ...Goes to specified window.
Window ListShows list of all document windows.